Welcome to my infrequent, long-winded data science blog!


May 1, 2023

Welcome to my data science blog! I’m pretty surprised you’re reading this post - I’m not sure I’ve ever read the “welcome to my blog” post of any of the many blogs I’ve enjoyed over the years, but as you’re here let’s set some expectations, because I’m doing the complete opposite of what you’re supposed to do when creating a blog.

Firstly, I won’t be posting regularly, so don’t hold your breath for a new post every week. Secondly, I won’t be optimizing for SEO because let’s face it, I don’t even know what that means. And lastly, my posts won’t be short and sweet - they might be a bit long and tedious, but hey, that’s the price of digging deep into a topic.

So what will I be doing, you ask? Well, each post will be a Jupyter notebook compiled into a website with Quarto. That’s right, we’re not just talking about data science, we’re doing data science - no fluff pieces or hot takes here, just cold, hard data.

Now, I must emphasize that nothing is peer-reviewed, so if you try something out from my blog and it all goes wrong, well, that’s on you my friend. Do your own research and don’t blame me.

So join me on this meandering journey into the world of data science, where we throw caution to the wind and explore the topics that we find interesting, no matter how infrequent or long-winded they may be.

This text was written by ChatGPT, after I gave it the talking points.